Frequently Asked Questions

Software is Not Opening or Software is not starting or Error in Software.

The bride/groom data is stored in database, our software uses Microsoft SQL Express database, which is free from Microsoft.

Please install the database  Microsoft SQL Express and then software will work.

Please follow these steps, the software works like charm.
1. Download the Microsoft SQL Express Database, see the home page,

2. Install SQL Express database.


After installing the SQL Express 2014 database, Matrimony Software will work great..
Make sure you have done Windows Update, because SQL Express may not install if some updates are missing. I hope your windows are updated.

How to start the application with new install.

Here are the detailed instructions .

1.Matrimony Software Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents
Supported Operating Systems
Just Three Main steps and ready to go
How to do Windows Update
How to install Microsoft SQL Express 2014
How to install Matrimony Software
How to start Matrimony Software Application
Welcome Screen
What is Branch Code
What is Login and Password.
Where is the data stored?
Where are the Bride/Groom Photos stored?
How to add a first registration of bride/groom.
How to add Religion, Mother Tongue, Qualification, Job etc.,?

It takes only 10 mins for your Software Ready and Use.
For questions/doubts contact email :

Supported Operating Systems

ü  Windows 7
ü  Windows 8
ü  Windows 10

Windows XP Operating System not supported, which is outdated.

Just Three Main steps and ready to go

1.      Do Windows Update
2.      Install SQL Server Express Database
3.      Install Matrimony Software

Now you are ready to go.

How to do Windows Update

To install Microsoft SQL Server Express without errors, you need to run Windows Update. This can you done from Windows “Control Panel”.
You can also see this video for more details.
Or just google for Windows Update.

How to install Microsoft SQL Express 2014

Matrimony Software needs backend Database to store all bride/groom profiles in database.
Microsoft SQL Express is free database to use. You need to download SQL Express 2014 from Microsoft side and install.
Please see the step by step instructions PDF File.

How to install Matrimony Software

You can download Matrimony Software from the home page clicking this link
Please see the step by step instructions PDF File.

How to start Matrimony Software Application

1.      Click Windows Start Button  and then click “Tulip Matrimony” program.
2.      Or you can double-click on Desktop icon “Tulip Matrimony”.

Welcome Screen

First you need to create your Matrimony Business Information and Login/Password.

1. Branch Name: Name of your Matrimony Business.
2. Owner Name: Owner name of your business.
3. Email: Email of the matrimony to send/receive emails.
4.Phone: contact phone number of matrimony.
5. Branch Code: Very Important. See below What is branch code.

What is Branch Code

This is very important; the branch code must be less than six characters. For example ABC or ABC1
The customer member registrations are created automatically with this branch code. For example  when you start first registration it will start as ABC-1 for first customer, ABC-2 for second customer, this is automatically generated.

What is Login and Password.

The Login and Password must be remembered otherwise you cannot use this application.
You can enter and Login Id and Password and you must remember.
Please note this Login and Password are not Window Login/Password.
This login and password used here is for matrimony application only.
Please take a note otherwise the application will not work.

Where is the data stored?

All the bride/groom profiles name, age, religion etc., are stored in Microsoft SQL Express Database.

Where are the Bride/Groom Photos stored?

Photos are NOT stored in database, which takes lot of space.
Photos are stored in C:\ProgramData\TulipMatrimony\Data\Branch<_BranchCode> folder.
Do not delete this folder or files. If you delete this folder, you will lose the bride\groom Photos. I recommend, you need to take a backup regularly.

How to add a first registration of bride/groom.

Before adding the first registration, you need to add some settings. For example, you know about your customers and their Religion, Qualification etc. So, add these attributes whenever you want.

How to add Religion, Mother Tongue, Qualification, Job etc.,?

              Please read this section carefully. System Settings are most important of your application.
System Settings Menu : On the Main Menu Click “Settings” -> “System Settings”. You need enter Password     (same password to login in Welcome Screen). For example, the User Password is abc. You need to enter the same password.

After your password is validated, you will get “System Settings” window like below. You need to add for one time of your Customer Religion, Job, Qualification etc.
For example, none of your customers Job is “Army”, So do not enter, adding unnecessary items in your software will cause application slow, causes confusion, and mistakes. For example, after one month a new customer comes with Job “Army”,  you can open “System Settings” at that time and add. If you have questions/doubts on this, please email to we will clarify your doubts.

Adding New Registration for a Bride or a Groom can be done from New Registration Menu. To Create a new Bride or Groom profile select the sub menu items.

Click Main Menu “New Registration” then select Bride or Groom Sub Menu, and then Click on “New” menu.
Enter the details as shown in the sample below and click Next.

In this page, a member can set his/her match preferences such as Age, Education, Job etc.

Adding Profile Pictures

we can add up to four profile pictures, by clicking “Add Picture” Button.

Setting Main Picture

To set the main picture, right click on a picture and click on “Set as Main Photo”, this will appear      as first picture in the profile.

Deleting a Picture

              To delete a picture, right click on a picture and click on “Delete Photo”, this will delete picture.
  Operating System Requirements.


Software Download Links below, WhatsApp : 0014253010132 (preferred) or Contact 9290006827

Matrimony Software is Free to everyone. Our software runs on Windows Operating System and SQL Express Database. Supported Operating Sys...